Monday, June 29, 2009

more rain and mj

I am drawing close to the end of my time in Boston and the rain just keeps falling. Last week there were two and a half sunnyish days that got my hopes up but today the sky has returned to its customary june bunting - steel grey, dirty white and smudged.

I hate the rain and it is hard to keep up the slightest positive veneer as it continues to pour and puddle all around me. Very hard.

Also hard to keep from saying that I think Michael Jackson was a sneaky, utterly corrupt, contemptible little child abuser who should have gone to jail a long time ago and whose pop-pop easy-happy pompous, silly music cannot in any way make up for the display of deception that was his daily life or his public self-mutilation.

Even if you accept the assertion that he was innocent of any charges of child molestation, there is the fact that he made it publicly acceptable for middle aged men to have sleepovers with young boys. And if you don't think that gave an army of pedophiles the very in they craved with countless young boys who will now be scarred for life - then you deserve to listen to his sugary, self-aggrandized pablum for the rest of your life.

That's enough from me today - today, I am one bitter, rain sodden woman - tired of the pretense that everything is OK by me, it's not. The never-ending rain is not OK and middle aged pedophiles in full blown denial supported by the public - that's not OK either.

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