Monday, June 15, 2009

June Gloom

On the west coast June is seldom a pleasant month. The rain and mist roll in and seem to stick around forever. Of course, this makes it the best place to buy summer clothes - many of which go on sale in June. Summer clothes are seldom necessary on the west coast before July, the selection on sale is always very good - there are bargains to be had.

Seems that pattern has recently changed.

For the last two years BC has had stellar summer weather in June while Ottawa and other points east, (Boston apparently included) are bewildered by summer days devoid of summer weather.

People dress as though it was summer but the temperature and the clouds defy it. Bare toes look cold and unhappy in sandals and flip-flops although, I admit, having grown up on the west coast the incongruity of a sweater with shorts and sandals does not seem as jarring as it must to those who grew up depending on June to bring the warmth and sunny skies that March and April withheld.

It is strange and contradictory but I am trying to enjoy it. It could not be worse for photographs - everything is ugly to my eye in this light - but I hear the folks in Austin crave rain deeply for much of the time during the summer so I am trying to appreciate cold damp mornings, velvet-cool fogs and nights where it is easy to sleep with blankets and a window open, no air conditioning on. Wherever you are, there is someone else who craves the very thing you wish you could be free of - imagine that.

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