Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back in Canada

I am in Ottawa again and looking out over a frozen landscape. It will stay that way for the next four months. I was thinking this morning, as I made my breakfast, about women and "extra sensory perception."

I do not believe there is anything unnatural or extraordinary about the way most women, if they let themselves, know what is happening with the people in their lives as it happens. This occurs in so many species, we would have to be fundamentally damaged for it not to be true of us. Distance doesn't matter, time and space are not part of the dynamic - when someone close to you emotionally and/or physically or even mentally, takes an action that will have an impact on your life, you can't help but feel it.

As I felt the tiny drop in my head - the distinctive sound/feeling of someone reading an email from me and composing a reply, I felt myself begin to brush it away and paused. It occurred to me that we are all capable of reading the future because we are all aware of the present in much deeper ways than we realize. When we say we would like to be able to read other's minds or read the future, we really mean the dramatic or good parts.

I wonder, if we let ourselves accept that we always know if we only choose to look - would it make a difference? Would our lives be any easier?

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