Friday, January 21, 2011

yoga diary - day four

This is actually day 18 of my daily practice, I think. It's day four of writing a little about it.

Today was hard. Started sweating and not feeling great right off the bat - even had some aching in my muscles. I was very resistant. It didn't help that my alarm went off insistently halfway through.

Woke up too early and decided to take advantage of it to get my yoga done earlier and to synch up my sun salutation with the sunrise.

It was an interrupted practice, a difficult, sweaty, sometimes annoying practice and it took a lot of resolve to stick to it. I guess what this shows me is that some days it doesn't get easier, some days it's not about being in the moment and getting blissful from the practice of yoga. On days like today, it's about going through it, dealing with interruptions, finding it difficult and eventually sticking with it anyway for the pleasure of putting the X on the calendar and knowing I am that much closer to the goal.

Also - having put a hard day's practice behind me, I can hope tomorrow's yoga session is different from today which is almost assuredly will be since every day is different, even if we're trying to make it the same.

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