Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Day

I didn't think I would let myself write here today. Writing can be a means of alleviating anxiety for me and there's a lot of it floating around free right now - mixed with a sparkly fog of hope. It makes for a very skewed perspective.

When Hilary Clinton and Barak Obama were duking it out for the Democratic nomination, the smart, cynical observer in me said the republicans could probably run Kid Rock on their ticket and still win the election. I simply did not believe the American public could overcome their innate - if diminished - sexism and racism to elect a woman or a black man as president.

Now I find myself nervously hoping that all of the polls are true.

The American election is important on a global level because they are the arbiters of pop-culture and where pop-culture goes, humanity follows. Just the appearance of acceptance for a man of Obama's background is enough to trigger a tidal wave of compassion, hope and maybe even idealism in the popular arts and I do believe that tidal wave will spread into every aspect of daily life. There's no question, he is the Kennedy of this era. And because of that, I worry, I wait, I wonder.

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