Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I'm grateful and a little suprised that anyone is reading this. Until a few days ago I didn't notice or know how to look for comments. I knew Simon had been here but thought he was just being kind. Thank you. I'll try to keep it at least a little interesting knowing someone may be plowing through it all.

Of course, like most writers, I almost always have a reader in mind when I sit down to write. When I'm writing about policy, I take advantage of my own limitations and write as simply and directly as possible in order to explain complex concepts to myself. I like pictures, my attention span is relatively short - in explaining policy I find it helpful to see things in metaphors and to keep the language as conversational as possible. I suppose I am talking to myself. That approach has proven to be fairly successful. I think we always assume other people are far more sophisticated than we are and more sophisticated than they are too.

I write to lovers, to friends and when I start getting all self-aware like this I imagine I am writing to preserve something and then I know it is time to stop writing and normal down for a bit. So - thank you, thank you, thank you. I will post a few more pictures and then try to resume saying things that might actually be diverting enough to merit reading.

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