Monday, November 17, 2008


Not too long ago I had a conversation with someone who lives in the deep south. Somehow we got onto the topic of staples - not the little wire things that are supposed to hold sheafs of paper together but the things that are always in your kitchen cupboards even if you never actually eat them.

It occured to me that these things are just as often talismans as food. We keep the things our parents kept because that's what we do. The way you use food, even the food you don't eat, tells a lot about who you are and where you come from.

In my kitchen cupboards there are usually sardines, custard powder, lentils, molasses, flour, ancient packets of "flu-soup" (liptons dried chicken noodle, which i never eat.) beans, tomato paste, tomato sauce, pasta, cocoa, sage (which never even gets opened) chilli powder (ditto) dried mustard, wasabi powder, (in Ottawa - completely useless), star anise, cumin, coriander and a can of peppers in adobo sauce.

It's a northern kitchen. You can tell from that list, my mother came from the maritimes, (sardines, molasses, custard powder, cocoa, sage,) I came from the west coast, (wasabi powder, star anise, lentils) my father was a cook, (peppers, cumin, coriander, dried mustard) and I am a little insecure (dried pasta and tomato sauce, just in case, flu-soup as a talisman against the stomach flu).

There should also be saltines, (maritimes) summer savory, (Acadian), maple syrup (eastern Canada), oatmeal and dried coconut - maritimes, baking stuff. But those things do get used so they ebb and flow. God - could I be any more boring? Next post will be better, promise.

What's in your pantry?

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