Thursday, May 27, 2010


I can see how it would be possible in some post-apocalyptic world to describe the way my day is unfolding today to someone and have them not believe anything could ever be so easy. Or even to describe it to my grandmother.

I am on my balcony, using my laptop on a warm May day. I am working on an article at my leisure and chatting to a few friends as they come and go on their computers in three different cities.

Two men just came and replaced my toilet. They're gone now and my bathroom's clean. There are the makings of a tasty dinner thawing out in the kitchen, ice water in the fridge and I am listening to a radio station out of Austin, TX.

Sitting in my desk chair, with an ottoman, surrounded by glass panels to waist height, at the perfect height above the ground to see what's happening in my neighbourhood and in the sky but not so high as to be in the grip of the wind and not so low as to be in the midst of the street action - it's pretty easy to be me today.

Everything's clean, nobody is complaining. I'm not rushed or worried. Life is a pretty good place to be if you're me today. Even 20 years ago my lifestyle would have seemed impossibly indulgent. Yet, by most people's standards, I lead a very modest life.

I know there will be times when this won't be nearly enough. There are already people I miss and places I want to be,obstacles to be overcome, problems to be solved. Change is in the air and it's welcome but it is nice to see this moment as the people who came before or those who come after might see it; I know where I am, I know what I want and it's feeling as though I'll be able to reach it from here without having to die trying.

That's a good feeling.

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